Winery & Vineyard Tour Information

Tour Times

May — December:
Saturday & Sunday: 1:30pm & 3:00pm
Thursday & Friday: Reservations Required. Call in advance to schedule your tour. There must be a minimum of 10 people.  


Riding Vineyard Tour – $6.00
We want to take this opportunity to invite you to join us on a vineyard tour. With our vintage tractor, we pull our trolley between the vineyard rows. This gives you an up-close, personal experience with the grapes. Besides a breathtaking view, we explain the process of growing a vineyard. This portion of the tour is approximately 1 hour long. 

Winery Tour – $6.00
After the Vineyard tour, enter the Winery and experience the wine-making process. In our winery tour, we present the art of winemaking

Do both tours for $10.00, tax inclusive.